Project Zero Engine

The Project Zero engine is an engine built in C++ using the DirectX API. It is the product of 1 programmer and 1 artist. It is currently an ongoing project, with current build iterations designed to primarily reflect the engine's technical capabilities.
The Project Zero engine was built entirely from scratch. The engine is optimized for 2D projects, specifically platformers. The engine handles a number of features, including:
- A game state management system
- Collision detection and resolution
- Texture rendering and animation
- Input management for different devices and multiple devices
- An audio management system
- An AI and state transition system
- A Read/Write system for loading and saving game content at runtime
Install : projectzero_install.exe
- Note: The install file installs the DirectX and VC++ redistributables along with the project .exe file.
The .exe in the executable-only download will only work if the client PC already has the June 2010 DirectX End-User Runtimes and VC++ 2010 redistributable.
Executable : projectzero_exe.zip
- System requirements:
Project Solution : projectzero_sln.zip
- Project requirements:
Editor Demo Video : .mp4
Gameplay Demo Video : .mp4